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Rozbudowany edytor tekstowy w PrestaShop 1.6

Admin 0

Aby dodać dodatkowe opcje do edytora tekstowego wystarczy zamienić zawartość pliku:



function tinySetup(config)
   if (typeof tinyMCE === 'undefined') {
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 100);
        config = {};
    var editor_selector = 'rte';
    //if (typeof config['editor_selector'] !== 'undefined')
    //var editor_selector = config['editor_selector'];
    if (typeof config['editor_selector'] != 'undefined')
        config['selector'] = '.'+config['editor_selector'];
        default_config = {
        selector: ".rte" ,
        plugins : "visualblocks, preview searchreplace print insertdatetime, hr charmap colorpicker anchor code link image paste pagebreak table contextmenu filemanager table code media autoresize textcolor emoticons",
        toolbar2 : "newdocument,print,|,bold,italic,underline,|,strikethrough,superscript,subscript,|,forecolor,colorpicker,backcolor,|,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent",
        toolbar1 : "styleselect,|,formatselect,|,fontselect,|,fontsizeselect,", 
        toolbar3 : "code,|,table,|,cut,copy,paste,searchreplace,|,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,|,image,emoticons,media,|,inserttime,|,preview ",
        toolbar4 : "visualblocks,|,charmap,|,hr,",
        external_filemanager_path: ad+"/filemanager/",
        filemanager_title: "File manager" ,
        external_plugins: { "filemanager" : ad+"/filemanager/plugin.min.js"},
        extended_valid_elements: 'pre[*],script[*],style[*]', 
        valid_children: "+body[style|script|iframe|section],pre[iframe|section|script|div|p|br|span|img|style|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5],*[*]",
        valid_elements : '*[*]', 
        force_p_newlines : false, 
        cleanup: false,
        forced_root_block : false, 
        force_br_newlines : true,  
        menu: {
            edit: {title: 'Edit', items: 'undo redo | cut copy paste | selectall'},
            insert: {title: 'Insert', items: 'media image link | pagebreak'},
            view: {title: 'View', items: 'visualaid'},
            format: {title: 'Format', items: 'bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | formats | removeformat'},
            table: {title: 'Table', items: 'inserttable tableprops deletetable | cell row column'},
            tools: {title: 'Tools', items: 'code'}
    $.each(default_config, function(index, el)
        if (config[index] === undefined )
            config[index] = el;
$().ready(function() {

Uwaga #1 w celach bezpieczeństwa najlepiej wykonaj kopię bezpieczeństwa poprzedniej zawartości tego pliku

Uwaga #2 aby zmiany były widoczne, przeładuj parokrotnie podstronę admin z edytorem kombinacją klawiszy CTRL + F5

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